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Author Topic: MobileMate: a FFmpeg/Libav, Mencoder GUI front Open Souce Project  (Read 5947 times)

Offline littlebat

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A FFmpeg/Libav, Mencoder GUI front Open Souce Project MobileMate. It is an open source video and audio converting tool customized on Tinycore Linux, released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2).

It use Bash to glue some open source tools such as MPlayer, FFmpeg (Libav), Zenity as GUI, Grep, Sed, etc., easy to modify fit your own needs.

The all detail about it: news, download, installation, using, and devloper's corner, etc., see its website: http://www.learndiary.com/mobilemate/  .

This is an experimental project, it uses TinyCore Linux livecd as a running platform. The goal is finding a way for making open source more useful and how to make money from open source.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 05:28:10 AM by littlebat »

Offline littlebat

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We know, Bash is a powerful tool in the Linux world. It is perfect to
perform some special tasks.

But, Linux is used by very few user. Windows users can't enjoy the
convenience of Bash and some powerful Linux command tools.

So, I tried integrating some Bash glued tools into a Linux LiveCD to
perform special task, with total size about 33M.

But, using it also need some Linux skills and it isn't so convenient as
Windows user use windows native programs.

This is a way for making open source and Linux more useful, it is also a
trade-off, and, a question.

Offline gerald_clark

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You may post your announcement here, but all questions, support, and discussion belong on the remix's site.

Offline littlebat

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Re: MobileMate: a FFmpeg/Libav, Mencoder GUI front Open Souce Project
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 05:33:04 AM »
MobileMate-0.1b1 release notes:

This is the second public release of MobileMate video and audio converting tool. Based on MobileMate-0.1a42.1, the main changes of MobileMate as below:

1, Code, comment and format optimization:

Rewrote the “MobileMate” main program(/opt/mobilemate) Follow the “Google Shell Style Guide Revision 1.25” (http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/shell.xml?p=100).

2, Rewrote logging system:

Added “ERROR”, “INFO”, “DEBUG”, “TRIVAL” logging level. “ERROR” and “INFO” is always available, “DEBUG” and “TRIVAL” can be set in “conf/common.conf”, changed use a single log file to use the separate log file for every task.

3, Updated “libmp3lame.so.0.0.0” from version 3.98.2 to 3.99.5:

Old version will cause MobileMate always report encode failed message in spite of encode mp3 success or fail. Updated to new version fix this bug.

4, Enhanced output file naming:

Align digit in output file name, keep the original input source suffix in the output file name.

5, Added several options in “conf/common.conf”:

Can choose if backup task files(TASKBACKUP) and specify task backup directory (TASKBAKBASE), can specify log directory(LOGBASE).

6, Fixed some MobileMate main program bugs:

    Fixed the bug of convert the video include subtitile stream to “mkv” file fail by disabled subtitle conversion temporarily;
    Fixed “negative pad value” bug when choose Libav decoder sometimes;
    Fixed wrong Display Aspect Ratio(DAR) bug when choose Mencoder decoder sometimes;
    Fixed the bug when the specified section end before the splitting segment then converting will beyond the specified end time.

7, Fixed some MobileMate OS bugs:

    Fixed the repository tcz package search function invalid problem (Caused by TinyCore Linux repository server side for old TinyCore) by modify ”/usr/bin/search.sh” and ”/usr/bin/provides.sh”;
    Fixed the bug of “appbrowser” interface internationalization bug, and this bug also cause tcz package search function bug;
    Added “src/fltk_projects_unicode-3.7.1.modi.20140723.tar.gz”, it based on “src/fltk_projects_unicode-3.7.1.modi.20130618.tar.gz”, fixed package search bug, enhanced “mkpatch.sh”, added script of compile and install “fltk-1.3” in “Makefile” and “Common.Mk” for fix the bug of install “fltk-1.3-dev.tcz” from repository will cause “fltk_projects_unicode” build fail;
    Added “src/flwm_topside_unicode-3.7.1.modi.20140723.tar.gz”, it based on “src/flwm_topside_unicode-3.7.1.modi.20130618.tar.gz”,added script of compile and install “fltk-1.3” in “Makefile” for fix the bug of install “fltk-1.3-dev.tcz” from repository will cause “flwm_topside_unicode” build fail.

8, Integrated “mirrors.tcz”, changed default mirror from “http://mirrors.163.com/tinycorelinux/” to “ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/”.
