After apparently frustrating all experts with my questions I found this image: decided to try it manually. This is what I did:
1. boot SUSE Linux in sda4
2. log in as root
3. insert the CD and copy core.gz from the CD to sda/boot
4. copy vmlinuz from the CD to sda/boot giving it the new name vmlinuz-tce
5. enter the grub directory and add this entry into the menu.lst file:
title TinyCoreLinux
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-tce vga=0x31a nomodeset
initrd /boot/core.gz
6. copy the cde directory from the CD to /
7. make a tce directory in / copying the files and directory from cde to it
Then boot and select TinyCoreLinux and it works!
Now my question: does TC use the cde or the tce directory now and which one can I erase? What determines which directory TC will use?
Thank you for your help!