I am not an expert on idesk but I needed to use it to confirm if TCZs gave me
the correct desktop icons
here is proof of idesk in action.....but could be tweaked better I am sure
---caption tip fails....no great loss ATM
click on image to zoom if interested
2) I am RH mouse user, double clicking with L mouse opens the app as expected
a rough guide cheating off the readme follows
contents of
table Icon
Caption: wolf
CaptionTip: its the wooliff
Command: firefox/firefox
Icon: firefox/browser/icons/mozicon128.png
Width: 60
Height: 65
X: 50
Y: 200
contents of
table Config
FontName: gothic
FontSize: 11
FontColor: #37CFA6
ToolTip.FontSize: 11
ToolTip.FontName: gothic
ToolTip.ForeColor: #0000FF
ToolTip.BackColor: #FFFFFF
ToolTip.CaptionOnHover: true
ToolTip.CaptionPlacement: Right
Locked: false
Transparency: 100
Shadow: true
ShadowColor: #000000
ShadowX: 1
ShadowY: 1
Bold: true
ClickDelay: 300
IconSnap: true
SnapWidth: 10
SnapHeight: 10
SnapOrigin: BottomRight
SnapShadow: false
SnapShadowTrans: 200
CaptionOnHover: false
CaptionPlacement: bottom
FillStyle: fillinvert
Background.Delay: 0
Background.Source: None
Background.File: None
Background.Mode: Center
Background.Color: #C2CCFF
table Actions
Lock: control right doubleClk
Reload: middle doubleClk
Drag: left hold
EndDrag: left singleClk
Execute[0]: left doubleClk
Execute[1]: right doubleClk
(C) Backup and move .xsession out of the way and supply a new one with contents suitable maybe for openbox users
/usr/local/bin/Xvesa -br -screen 1024x768x24 -shadow -mouse /dev/input/mice,5 -nolisten tcp -I >/dev/null 2>&1 &
(sleep 2; idesk &) &
export XPID=$!
waitforX || ! echo failed in waitforX || exit
"$DESKTOP" 2>/tmp/wm_errors &
export WM_PID=$!
[ -x ./.setbackground ] && ./.setbackground
[ -x ./.mouse_config ] && ./.mouse_config &
[ $(which "$ICONS".sh) ] && ${ICONS}.sh &
[ -d ".X.d" ] && find ".X.d" -type f -print | while read F; do . "$F"; done
# start openbox
exec openbox
exit $?
Naturally as I do not know what I am doing TRY AT OWN RISK
EDIT image has been updated to show wbar
onboot list was amended to remove flwm_topside and have openbox only