Hi there!!
Before you ask, yes, i searched about this already and so far i didn't find any solution.
So i'm asking it here.
I'm booting a computer with micro core on my USB and i want to access and modify the windows system.
I'm running as root these commands:
cd /mnt
mkdir windows
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows -o "umask=000"
The windows system mounts successfully but it's READ-ONLY always!
with the umask=000 i should had read write and execute!
What should i do? I read somewhere that i must install a program called "ntfs-3g" which mounts it with write access.
But i recently learned about remastering micro core and i don't know how to repackage microcore with ntfs-3g. (don't bother pointing me to tutorials here, i have already tried them without success)
I'm not new to Linux, and i want to know why the program "mount" mounts always with read-only access.
In all the others distributions i have used the program "mount" mounts successfully with full privileges.
Thanks for your time.