Hello world,
It is my hopes that this post gets clearance from the audience that has more familiarity with linux and tiny core. I must say that I have done my youtube research, I have read all of the core concepts, I have looked through the wiki. It is unfortunate that I am limited in comprehension, and time. With help, we can remedy this. I have dedicated several hours over several weeks and i intend to keep doing such. but as a human on earth i only have 24 hours a day and many of those require sleeping and eating.
I am imagining this thread will keep my questions into one thread if all goes well. I will begin with my first question : how do I add CJK locales into tiny core? I mean foreign language program fonts and support? is this possible? I have followed some guides - of each I hit a roadblock of some sort. I will post links to the guides that didnt work if need be. If there is an easy routine process, then my ineffective research references should not be necessary.
My intent with tinycore is to learn linux. and my method will be an attempt to create something similar to puppy arcade linux. essentially a portable, bootable usb stick os with persistence that I can take with me and use on whatever hardware allows.
What I have done : I have learned alot of windows. I have installed coreplus onto virtualbox, and used virtualbox to install to my usb. The usb install keeps files, keeps extensions.
My forte is web programming, not much on linux. I have got a book, the no starch press linux cookbook, but i have come to find that its commands dont all work with tiny core.
I have messed with lubuntu, slitaz, damn small linux, and a few other distros. i really like the idea of ground up. in 2003 i built my first computer and spent about 3 weeks trying to get slackware working. honestly, I DID have it up and working, there was a hardware conflict that just destroyed my efforts. I was unable to diagnose it as a n00b and had bought windows xp before final diagnosis that I needed to take my machine to the computer scientist guy. i have not revisited linux since, until about a month ago.
would it be possible to get all the game emulators loaded and working like puppy arcade linux? since the site scottjarvis is down - my puppy arcade linux distro will not work or configure. and i really dont care for a turnkey solution - i want to learn howto. i also want to get WINE on it, so that I can use additional games. I also want to get CJK for even more game compatibility.
My first intent - is to just get various locales into tiny core. I have done a forum search - and each post got into technicalities which required my questions as a response. might as well do that here if need came about. How do I CJK tiny core? Is there a routine process, or should i do another attempt, and post my failed routine here for evaluation and modification? thanks for reading, thanks for the help.
I am using tinycore installed into virtualbox on a compaq laptop. it has a synaptics ps/2 touchpad. click and dragging of tinycore desktop windows works in virtualbox, but does not work when i boot directly to my tinycore os, btw. so much to do, so much to do...