dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Debian multimedia repository

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I tried to import Avidemux but found out that, along with other multimedia apps, it is located in the debian multimedia repository. Please, please add to dcore.  :D

Jason W:
I understand the desire for the deb-multimedia repo, but this would make for a major change in the import structure. 

Although it is dealing with wheezy and therefore import compatible packages supporting 11 archetectures, and I can begin to picture a routine that would not cost everyone in terms of import performance, only those who choose to add the repo.  But it is beyond the scope for now at this stage in testing I think I am safe to say.  For now at least.  :-)

For this scenario, can uggla manually download the DEB and use deb2sce to create a custom SCE? 

If this DEB has dependencies not satisfied in the existing (mounted) SCEs, couldn't those be imported?   (Assume a simple case where they are in wheezy repos.)  Or is there some link/construction/requirement that the dependencies are co-located in the SCE with the desired package? 

Jason W:
One could download a set of debs and make an sce out of them, but there is no simple way to do so.

As for importing the dependencies of apps from deb-multimedia.org, some of the dependencies I am sure are hosted at deb-multimedia.org, and others in the main wheezy repo.  Import pulls only from the main wheezy repo of course.

I thought Debian-Multimedia was deprecated with latest release of Debian…


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