Hi. I don't know where to put this so I decided to put it here. Moderators, please move the thread where it belongs if necessary.
I have an old Pentium I with TinyCore 3.5 on it in our workshop. It has been used for playing mp3s for almost two years, but I feel it is time to move on to newer technologies, i.e. streaming music from cellular phones or mp3 players directly. Having a stationary computer in a workshop is overkill and I have no other use for it. Therefore, I am going to get rid of this machine. However, it breaks my heart to just scrap it because this is the computer I grew up with, lol. Additionally, somebody else might still find it useful, and old stuff should be preserved.
Pentium I 200MHz (originally 100MHz)
Graphics Card from Pentium II (working)
CD player (working)
Floppy disk drive (working)
Sound card PCI (working)
Network card PCI (working)
Is somebody interested in it? For free of course! I am willing to send it including all the remaining stuff I have for this Pentium I (memory, processor, a.s.o.). If nobody is interested it will be scrapped.
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention that I live in northern Sweden. If not too expensive I could even pay the shipping fees myself. If that isn't a nice deal, then what is?