Team Tinycore is pleased to announce the release of dCore for GK802 i.MX6 v5.13.12.06.
See: log:
- usr/bin/debGetSize : New utility called on by importsce when the -s option is used to give package size info.
- usr/bin/deb2sce, usr/bin/importsce: adding options -s for size function and -r for on ram imported package unpacking.
- usr/bin/importsce: Made package search and results case insensitive.
- usr/bin/importsce: Made the -s option that stores md5sums of packages in the sce as the default.
- tce-setup: Enable lst= boot option.
- tc-functions: getpasswd preserve last char entered.
- etc/group: added plugdev group, and added user messagebus to messagebus to simplify dbus setup.
For existing users simpy copy over the new initrd to your existing internal sdcard boot partition.
To create an sdcard image download mksdcard.tgz.
dCore provides a suite of scripts to allow import of Debian packages. Currently amv7 and x86 are supported.