I'm running Core 4.7.7 under Qemu on a 32 bit Win7 Pro system and I'm having trouble loading Xprogs.tcz.
Xlibs.tcz, Xprogs.tcz, Xvesa.tcz, wbar.tcz and jwm.tcz are all listed in onboot.lst but Xprogs fails to load.
If I try to tce-load -i Xprogs.tcz it tries for about five minutes then segfaults.
If I manually loop-mount the extension, copy the contents to the right places and run /usr/local/tce.installed/Xprogs I can get an X desktop.
When I do the copy from the extension to the main fs, it bitches about /usr/local/share/pixmaps/screenshot.png, ...services.png and ...settime.png not found. I note that, in the extension, those files are symlinks and ls -l shows them in red (broken link?).
I have verified that this is the same Xprogs.tcz (by md5sum) that works fine on my real hardware, though I have re-downloaded it anyway.
Any ideas what might be going on?
Qemu batch file:
start qemu.exe -L . -m 128 -hda tc477.img -boot c -soundhw sb16,es1370 -localtime -M pc
grub4dos boot entry:
find --set-root /boot/grub/tc477.img
kernel /boot/core4.7.7/vmlinuz quiet tce=LABEL=tc477.img/boot/core4.7.7/tce multivt text noautologin
initrd /boot/core4.7.7/core.gz
Edit: fixed typo in tce=LABEL=.... lee