I recommend creating a vhd/vdi then boot to a tc iso then install tc-install from the repo and run it to install tc to the virtual drive
That way at least you would have a guide to create the correct boot config file next time. (Use vmlinuz instead of bzimage and loglevel=3 instead of quiet might be more appropriate)
Thanks coreplayer2 for your recommendations. Yes, I did create virtual disk image, VDI prior to the installation, then boot to TC ISO. Please find my Virtual Box settings below.
IDE Primary Master: Core1.vdi (1 GB)

As per your recommendation, I did try tc-install, however there is a problem with libfltk.so.1.1.
I’ve been looking around in the internet, but couldn’t find similar issue. I would appreciate if you could share how to fix this issue.
Error message is:
tc-install: error while loading shared libraries: libfltk.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/mnt/sda1/boot/grub/menu.lst has been updated as follows:
tc@box:~$ cat /mnt/sda1/boot/grub/menu.lst
default 0
timeout 10
title tinycore
kernel /boot/vmimage loglevel=3
initrd /boot/tinycore.gz

Then, I rebooted it and got this error message:

Please help.