Hi Jason W!
I just gave alpha3 a shot. It’s plain that it’s a work in progress. And yet, I was very impressed with the result!
From memory and a bit of script-exploring, I managed to type the commands to install elinks (import -b elinks; loadsce elinks). From there, I was able to find this topic and follow the directions of the first post: Xprogs+Xtc, then Xsetup.sh.
The only real difficulty I encountered was that X refused to start. That was due to Xorg not having the “s” bit set. I went into savage mode

In /usr/bin, I removed everything linking to /tmp/tcloop/xorg-all, then copied the files over, and ran “sudo chmod +s *” Then X started (startx).
I found myself on an all-black desktop, found out that there was a mouse-click menu, from which I could open a terminal (Xterm), and thus launch wbar. I did not try everything, but I saw that the import icon failed to do anything (apart from a quick flicker of a terminal window, I think).
All in all, I tried only 2 imports: elinks, and xorg-all (using Xsetup.sh). I was at first a bit worried by all the many warnings, mostly about permission denied to create links. But in the end, elinks worked right from the first attempt! And Xorg too… mostly

And XOrg is quite a beast!
Very good job Jason W! Keep up like that!
I won’t be using dcore before probably at least a year: I wouldn’t know where to replicate all the nice customizations I did to my TinyCore (see signature). But I sure will keep an eye on the project

[edit: for your information, my sce directory with Xprogs, Xtc, elinks, and xorg-all, was about 115 MB in size]