dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
dCore-5.0.alpha1 released
Jason W:
Iceweasel has always worked here. I will try again with flwm to make sure there is no dependency issue.
Iceweasel working fine here on x86 dCore with flwm_topside. I am posting from it now.
Jason W:
Vinnie - I added libdbus-glib-1-2 to Firefox's deps and now it is working with xorg-all, flwm_topside, Xtc, Xprogs, and firefox loaded.
[UPDATE] Toying around with dCore since yesterday and it still works like a charm!
One question: Can we unpack&modify the .sce extension as we could with the .tcz/.scm in TinyCore v4.6+?
This gives me an idea to strip my xorg-all.sce to only support 2 or 3 graphic chipsets...
5:00am and I can't believe what I just read...
Congratulations guys! Another hit! ;D
Jason W:
dCore-5.0.alpha4 now available:
Changes for alpha2:
* Fixed bug in sce-fetch.sh, -i now works, added -b to add to sceboot.lst
* Fixed bug in isolinux.cfg on server to specify dCore.gz
* Added initial sceboot.lst to tce-setdrive.
Changes for alpha3:
* Fixed bug in tce-setup to quiet terminal output from startup scripts
Changes for alpha4:
* Added full path suport to loadsce. Patch via Gerald Clark
* Updates pretce, httplist and tftplist to work with loadsce instead of tce-load via Gerald Clark
* Add option to track md5sums to enable update checking of SCE components
* /usr/bin/ondemand: Remove unsupported tcz references.
* rc.shutdown changed references tcz to sce
* tcemirror.sh changed tcz to sce
* deb2sce: import -o fix
* .profile: added LANG=en_US.UTF8 to support default uxterm
* deb2sce: Now specifying to user during import whether package is standard, dCore meta, or dCore premade.
* Quieted an unneeded echo to output and prevented duplicate entries in the Select Package list
* tc-functions: launchApp support both /usr and /usr/local
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