dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
dCore-5.0.alpha1 released
Jason W:
Team Tinycore is pleased to announce the testing release of dCore-5.0.alpha1, Core made from Debian Wheezy compatible files that uses import and the SCE package format. Features include:
* Debian Wheezy (Debian Stable) library compatibility.
* Fully functional toolchain when importing build-essential and pertinent development packages.
* Support for custom packages that are not available via Debian.
* SCE package format: imported packages include the package and it's needed dependencies in one file, files contained are symlinked to live filesystem.
* Meta packages to simplify usage are available.
* Support for custom startup scripts.
* Premade SCE packages for kernel modules and wireless.
Files can be found at:
A brief intro to the use of import:
The command as regular user "import iceweasel" will import iceweasel and it's needed dependencies and place them in an sce file in the sce/ directory in the users TCE directory. "import -b iceweasel" will import it and add it to the sceboot.lst file to be loaded at boot. The command "loadsce iceweasel" will install it.
For efficiency, a file list can be made of one's favorite packages and import can be used to make one mega package out of the list. Example, a file named mydesktop that contains xfce4, leafpad, iceweasel, exaile, smplayer, etc, etc , one package per line, will make an sce of those packages that will be named mydesktop.sce. If the file is located on /mnt/sda2, the usage would be:
import -f /mnt/sda2/mydesktop
Premade SCE packages are available at:
Fetching them is done with the sce-fetch.sh command. "sce-fetch.sh wireless-tools" will fetch wireless-tools.sce, the command "loadsce wireless-tools" will install it.
Needed for X desktop use are the SCE packages:
A simplified manner of installing Xorg is using the Xsetup.sh script:
Download it, use the command "chmod +x Xsetup.sh" and run it. This will install the familiar flwm_topside window manager and xorg-all, the Xorg meta package that contains support for all the Xorg video drivers. Also needed may be graphics-3.8.10-tinycore for some hardware.
Readmes are available at:
The command "readme.sh wireless-tools" will display that readme.
I’m really impressed with this project. The possibility to pick any debian package and make a TC package out of it is excellent!
I can’t help wondering, though, what will happen to this project from TC5 on, as I gathered that the SCM package format will be dropped, or won’t it?
isolinux.cfg configured to load core.gz but there are no such only dCore.gz therefore boot fails.
Awesome, that's why you were so busy jason! Effectively a feature like that could fully replace the scm packages, but could you explain me how work these packages? :
1) you can choose whether to install them in a loop or in ram?
2) you can uninstall (as the scm) during the execution time of the os?
3) apart for the support of debian packages, the dcore is fully compatible with the core features?
--- Quote ---I can’t help wondering, though, what will happen to this project from TC5 on, as I gathered that the SCM package format will be dropped, or won’t it?
--- End quote ---
I think the scm has been abandoned for the lack of interest by packagers, but if this new system works well I think it will maintain itself
Jason W:
Thanks bmarkus, I have not tried the ISO only the dCore.gz so I did not catch that.
vinnie and theYinYeti,
The SCM has been dropped, basically since without an automated way to make them like the CDE model it was just too time intensive once you get past the simple apps. The SCE has replaced the SCM, as it contains all it's needed dependencies in one file.
The SCE only uses mount mode, it is not copied to RAM. They cannot be uninstalled since like the TCZ the files exist in the regular filesystem, the SCE is not self contained although it contains multiple packages inside of it. And dCore aims to support all core features, it simply draws on the Debian repo for it's extensions. But the extension installing/updating features of the TCZ are not all supported by the SCE, but that is partially due to the differences in package type.
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