dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

dCore-5.0.alpha1 released

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--- Quote from: roberts on July 01, 2013, 11:34:27 AM ---That's why sces are not just merged into Core.
dCore the 'd' is for Debian and also for different from Core.
no tcz support in dCore.

You may want to read http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,14332.msg91108.html#msg91108
which explains why sce.
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interesting, thanks roberts


--- Quote from: SamK on July 01, 2013, 12:16:15 PM ---Some unordered questions, simply in as they occurred to me.

Once an SCE app is imported is it possible to apply a security upgrade (issued by Debian) to an active dCore system, or is a rebuild of the SCE app required to incorporate it?

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dCore is not Debian. Nor is it traditionally "installed". dCore uses mounted squashfs as tcz and scms did. There is no rebuild, as apps are typically imported. We are only supplying scripts ( the import suite in the base of dCore ) and some server side typically setup/data scripts. You might want to think download script as used for flash.

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--- Quote from: Jason W on July 01, 2013, 09:26:14 AM ---...dCore aims to support all core features, it simply draws on the Debian repo for it's extensions.
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As it draws on Debian Stable does this imply an app in SCE format inherits the same degree of app stability?  Is it vulnerable to upgrade changes at an OS (dCore) level?

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Stability was another reason of our choice of Debian stable. Also, like the scm format, sces are not subject to the rolling release breakage of tcz dependencies. dCore is an embedded Linux with mainly busybox calls to ash and awk. Changes in the base should have little to do with applications. Same as Core.

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--- Quote from: Jason W on July 01, 2013, 09:26:14 AM ---The SCE has replaced the SCM, as it contains all it's needed dependencies in one file.
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Does this mean an SCE app is resistant to breakage?  For example is it vulnerable to SCEs created from custom packages that are not available via Debian?  Is there any degree of sharing common dependencies in an SCE?

Can an SCE be managed a single entity?  e.g. can it be removed (not unloaded/uninstalled) from a system as a single unit in a similar manner that an SCM was?  How do a user do it?

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sces can be removed as a single entity without breakage, although not dynamically. Like tczs, a reboot is needed to effect., i.e.,simply rm the target sce and reboot, if such was loaded.

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Have any tentative comparisons been done of RAM usage for similar SCE v TCZ systems?  If so the figures might be informative.

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I doubt much change, but like scms, sces are larger physically and require similiar persistent storage.

Not mentioned but another area that may be of interest is that sce, even custom compiled, unlike tczs do not need to be relocated to /usr/local/. Standard compilation methods, when required, are supported.

Sces have been used in the Allwinner A10 port since its initial post and now Jason has implemented them for x86. The goal being to preserve Core's philosphy while trying to support multiple platforms without the need to do relocate compiliations for tcz respositories for each and every platform.

Jason W:
dCore-5.0.alpha2 now available:

* Fixed bug in sce-fetch.sh, -i now works, added -b to add to sceboot.lst
* Fixed bug in isolinux.cfg on server to specify dCore.gz
* Added initial sceboot.lst to tce-setdrive.

Files available at:


As a result, these files have also changed:


Jason W:
In addition to Robert's more thorough explaining of the dCore philosophy and design, one thing that import and dCore share in common with Core is the support of things that are either too new or too old for Debian.  Gtk1 is available in dCore, XMMS is already there and can be fetched with the command "import xmms".  Same with Firefox and Emelfm2, neither of which are in Debian.  Iceweasel is frozen at version 10, and a Firefox at version 10 is quite dated though stable.  "import firefox" and "import emelfm2" will get those packages at their latest upstream versions.  The latest firefox will be maintained since it is popular.  More Gtk1 apps can be built and made available.  The rule there is that extra packages need to be not available in Debian nor should they conflict with existing Debian packages.

Jason W:
dCore-5.0.alpha3 now available:

* Fixed bug in tce-setup to quiet terminal output from startup scripts

Files available at:


Use the command "loadsce -d pkgname" for debug mode if you want to log the output of startup scripts to /var/log/sce.log. 


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