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Time Zone in TinyCore, either local time or UTC

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You could possibly do something like:

--- Code: ---TZ=EST+5EDT,M3.2.0/2,M11.1.0/2
export TZ
--- End code ---

Not sure where would be the most suitable to set that, possibly in /etc/profile.

@genec: While your TZ value is perfectly valid, in my opinion, one shouldn’t have to deal with this level of detail. The pre-defined timezones are here for this purpose. What I did basically comes down to the same result… almost.

@coreplayer2: As tinypoodle said, DST is an issue in some parts of the world :-) Apart from that, there’s also the problem that my TinyCore install is portable (on USB flash drive) and has to be able to boot on computers with local time or UTC time in their clock; hence the additional optional “noutc” boot parameter.
See this link if you’re interested in the subject:

All in all, I just wanted to set the time zone in the cleanest way possible, given that I do not want to change the host clock, and I have to adapt to it :-)

Use ntpclient to set the time.

@gerald_clark: Yes, you’re right. When NTP is an option, it is way better than calling “hwclock -s”. Unfortunately, I often have to work in companies where the admins have a weird definition of security, and NTP wouldn’t work :-( Most of the time (if not always), hwclock does the trick.

Or 'rdate' alternatively.


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