Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Time Zone in TinyCore, either local time or UTC

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In my opinion, it's a choice: use a complex TZ parameter or require another extension.  My take on the goal of Core/TinyCore is keep it as small as can still be function but have options (TCZs/SCMs).


--- Quote from: genec on June 21, 2013, 06:37:58 PM ---In my opinion, it's a choice: use a complex TZ parameter or require another extension.

--- End quote ---

I came to highly value the former for its portability.

Once I had figured out my TZ value under Core, I then found I could apply the same:

1. On systems beyond Linux.
2. On user account without having any elevation of privileges to override systemwide TZ.
3. Within an already running instance of an app to override TZ under which it was started.

An added bonus of the TZ parameter: When someone decides to change Daylight Saving Time/Summer Time rules for beginning/ending dates (which has happened a bit in about the last 7 years), you don't have to wait for the updated extension if you understand its syntax or know where to get the latest version for you locale.


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