Hi! I have a problem with the name of files on my FAT-formatted flash drive, which is annoying because I boot TC from there so I don’t get a chance to change mount options.
Whether in Linux or in Windows, I can give French file names without a problem, and all is fine. With TC however, I don’t really know where I stand.
On the one hand, urxvt+coreutils seems mostly happy with the current configuration; it’s unclear though (color added):
tc@tinycore:/mnt/sdb1/Tan$ ls
95 - Horaires du 01-10-12 au 12-07-13.pdf Express Beaujoire Carquefou - Horaires du 01-10-12 au 12-07-13.pdf
C1 - Horaires du 01-10-12 au 12-07-13.pdf Plan g?n?ral du r?seau 2012-2013.pdf
tc@tinycore:/mnt/sdb1/Tan$ ls P*
ls: cannot access P*: No such file or directory
tc@tinycore:/mnt/sdb1/Tan$ ls P<TAB>lan\ général\ du\ réseau\ 2012-2013.pdf
Plan g?n?ral du r?seau 2012-2013.pdf
tc@tinycore:/mnt/sdb1/Tan$ cp P<TAB>lan\ général\ du\ réseau\ 2012-2013.pdf test.pdf
tc@tinycore:/mnt/sdb1/Tan$ ls -l P<TAB>lan\ général\ du\ réseau\ 2012-2013.pdf test.pdf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 959224 nov. 14 2012 Plan g?n?ral du r?seau 2012-2013.pdf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 959224 juin 18 13:24 test.pdf
<TAB> means I hit the TAB key for auto-completion)
More over, when an UTF-8 character appears in the command line, urxvt loses sync between the displayed and actual position of the caret (to the point where I can backspace into the prompt!), whereas aterm at least remains consistent.
On the other hand, some applications plainly seem to consider something is not as it should be:
— ROX tells me “This filename is not valid UTF-8. You should rename it.” But then, ROX itself seems to have problems managing the caret while renaming where such filenames appear.
— In Evince’s Open dialog, the filename is “Plan g[FFFD]n[FFFD]ral du r[FFFD]seau 2012-2013.pdf”.
— In MS Office, such a filename would appear as “Plan gnral du rseau 2012-2013”.
— And so on…
Some more info:
tc@rescue16g:~$ ls -l $(which ls)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 juin 18 2013 /usr/local/bin/ls -> /tmp/tcloop/coreutils/usr/local/bin/ls
tc@rescue16g:~$ env | grep -iE 'lang|lc_'