Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 2 Testing

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yeah typing from 4.x and that graphics-libs-1.tcz is a depend of gdk-pixbuf2.tcz
I have seen errors around that gdk package when I tried something else.
I did not report it when I thought I had a bad build.

I am guessing I/we leave firefox/minefield stuff alone and recompile cups first

However, both will need packages from 4.x but if they work that should at least prove the devs work eh?

I am aware I could update qpdf but I am waiting for answer to my earlier question about submissions....its not critical so it can wait to be updated

Did you want me to try to compile against Xorg-7.7?



I have an usb dongle wireless with missing firmware so I can't confirm wireless works but, in loading 4.x avahi we find

--- Code: ---sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/avahi status

avahi is running.

tc@box:~$ uname -a
Linux box 3.8.10-tinycore #3810 SMP Tue Apr 30 15:45:26 UTC 2013 i686 GNU/Linux

--- End code ---

2) It looks I may have to swap the 4.x dependency file for gdk-pixbuf2 to load some stuff, I have not got anywhere, but my cups build looks a bit like this

--- Quote ---# load alpha files first
su -c 'tce-load -i compiletc wget linux-3.8.3_api_headers perl5 bash acl-dev dbus-dev python-dev libidn openssl-1.0.0-dev \
gtk2-locale intltool ' tc

# load 4x
cd /mnt/sda3/tce
su -c 'tce-load -i $W/procps $W/Linux-PAM-dev $W/ghostscript $W/libpaper-dev $W/libieee1284  $W/libmxml-dev $W/avahi-dev \
$W/openjpeg-dev $W/samba3 $W/libcups-filters $W/cups-filters $W/cups-filters-dev' tc
--- End quote ---

Please wait on compiling X apps until Xorg 7.7 is finished.


--- Quote from: aus9 on June 19, 2013, 11:09:23 AM ---yeah typing from 4.x and that graphics-libs-1.tcz is a depend of gdk-pixbuf2.tcz
I have seen errors around that gdk package when I tried something else.
I did not report it when I thought I had a bad build.

--- End quote ---

When I tested CUPS, I let it load TC5 extensions when possible.
Since it is using the TC5 version of gdk-pixbuf2.tcz, that is not the source of the dependency.
Graphics-libs-1 is needed only by ghostscript.tcz.

I've been looking forward to this update since this kernel has gma500 graphics support. I took the patched kernel source and attempted building the modules for it and when I attempt to modprobe gma500_gfx.ko I get "invalid module format". Would whoever compiled this kernel be kind enough to upload the gma500 modules for the 5.x kernel? I want ones that will work with the TC5.x native kernel.

Thanks a lot guys.


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