Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 2 Testing

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Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha2 is available for public testing:


Changelog for 5.0 alpha1:
* kernel update to 3.8.10 with (u)efi boot enabled
* option to use vmlinuz + rootfs.gz + modules.gz or vmlinuz64 + rootfs.gz + modules64.gz (where boot loader permits)
* aterm, freetype, imlib2, jpeg and libpng factored out of Xlibs/Xprogs
* glibc updated to 2.17 and recompiled against 3.8.x kernel headers
* gcc updated to 4.7.2, recompiled against 3.8.x kernel headers and cloog, gmp, mpc, mpfr and ppl
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.42.7
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.22.2
* scm extensions have been dropped from this release

Changelog for 5.0 alpha2:
* util-linux updated to 2.23.1 due to blkid problems with qemu
* /usr/sbin/fstype modified for new blkid output (supress "/dev/sda" type output in /etc/fstab and mount gui)

Your continued feedback welcomed and appreciated

kernel headers tcz would be nice.  I would like to add Ximeta ndas support.

Consistent update to Syslinux (tcz, core.gz and ISOs) would be nice.

Thankfully fluff_1_0_7 now compiles in TC-5.0 Alpha

I don't fully understand this but apparently there has been some change to DSO linking in a recent g++,  adding the linker flag -lstdc++ to the command line fixed fluff's make file.

more here

Opera9  from the tinycore-4.x repo works well in TinyCore-5.0, requiring no deps

Opening from the command line reveals only two ignored java modules, since they are java is no big issue, right??


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