Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 2 Testing

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Hi gang

After spitting the dummy I picked it up and put alpha on a USB stick when I realized that using Vbox was probalby not going to work the way I hoped.
I am really on it

When clicking on readline in apps I found some quirks so here is a quick clicking on each app and reporting the ones you will probably want to change or investigate
LH=left hand list  RH=right hand list name

All readlines  RH claim they file*
acl-dev  RH says its tcz ends in tcze
libpciaccess (nothing wrong) but suggest it become libpci-access

Extra suggestion before we get to next alpha cut
In LH pane some filenames are too long due to mainly the use of -tinycore
input-table-touchscreen-tinycore *   Could you consider abbreviating -tinycore to -TC?

Yes I know I am lazy and can just click on the file to see the true name on RH side

Possible missing files?

wl-modules-3.8.10 exists but not its 64 cousin?


Great job on doing all those Xorg stuff
Any chance you review and add
the xf86-video-nouveau* package?

Thanks for reading, real testing later

Typed on opera9.


regarding a revisit to firefox

I was able to get a firefox.tcz to load using a mixture of alpha and 4.x TCZ to say "ok" but running the executable borks.

Here is a little more info that I used etc

--- Code: ---tc@box:/usr/local/firefox$ strings libxpcom.so  | grep libxul*

tc@box:/usr/local/firefox$ strings libxul.so | grep libpng*
libpng warning: %s
libpng error: %s
libpng version 1.5.14 - January 24, 2013
libpng version 1.5.14 - January 24, 2013

(To get firefox.tcz say it was ok when it isn't)
 sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/libpng.so libpng12.so.0

--- End code ---

I will now have a look at the source as thats what I downloaded for minefield.

thanks for reading


That list in apps is looking great!

If I just choose download only, apps says its using the -w function
could that be changed to -wl?

Having a nouveau 2d driver would not be that useful since we don't ship the kernel driver for it.


fair enough

small change to "long TCZ name" like input-tablet-touchscreen-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz suggestion.

As the user is looking for touchscreen support, they could already guess its an input, it could become
tablet-touchscreen-3.8.10-tinycore.tcz or tablet-touchscreen-3.8.10-TC.tcz

thanks for reading


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