Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 2 Testing
4.x extensions I am using:
thanks - copied over
'good to see 915resolution still works :)
I'd be willing to take up maintainership on the Syslinux extension. I think the bigger change is to the build system/script. I'd prefer to go with a straight binary extension or an installer rebuild rather than a full rebuild (yes, I've seen numerous issues with build system interactions generating broken binaries in the last 3 years I've been more involved with Syslinux and completely understand HPA's preference as expressed in syslinux.tar.xz:doc/distrib.txt; separating a bug from a negative build box interaction isn't fun, especially with newer GCCs over the last 2 years).
I'd also consider trying to make another extension for the latest release if there is interest from people that are more adventurous, especially with lwIP-based PXELINUX (lpxelinux.0) in Syslinux-5.10 (HTTP/FTP without gPXE/iPXE).
The remaining issue would be that either the extension would need to remain static for a major-version lifecycle or systems/scripts that generate remastered ISOs and bootable USB systems should utilize either binaries from the extension or binaries from the current boot system but not both within a given system/script.
Initial modularized Xorg libs up. Don't load them yet unless feeling adventurous.
Apps states during 'Check for Updates' that the latest release is 4.7.7.
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