Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 5.0 Alpha 2 Testing
thanks will disable gnutls as before.
Re firmware:
As PM'd to coreplayer2, please don't use the kernel source for firmware. It's outdated and lacks many of the files. Use the git repo given as a source URL in the firmware tczs.
edit: I see the URL has changed and the latest is https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/
Re e1000e:
I wouldn't really want to replace the upstream module with a third-party one, even an open-source one from Intel. It may have other complications wrt kernel version etc. So please create a separate extension for the third-party module.
Ok, I agree the kernel sources are are missing much firmware. will investigate creating latest firmware extension from the git source, thanks
re e1000e driver, Understood. will do..
offtopic 4x preparation that will impact on 5x preparation
This is going to take me a lot longer to reduce bloat on 4x to make it slimmer on 5x.
I have diverted from making cups148 when I realized my build script for ghostscript lacked stripping commands and could be built with fewer dependencies.
Actually stripping was missing from a lot of my builds :-[
Its not a lot but fontconfig & libpaper are no longer needed.
printing with gutenprint PPD and hp PPD still good
--- Code: ---gs test.pdf
--- End code ---
still works. Printing of a pdf not tested at this stage.
I won't submit, at this stage until I get cups148 to be as small as I can
and still print stuff...not yet built.
So far purely ghostscript files go from 22.37 to 22.3 M
with extra savings of 1.48 for fewer depends
My plan is to rebuild again, so ghostscript will depend on libcups148
but that will impact on hplip-2.7 migration
firefox (v 22) on 4x now has a pdf viewer and printed my test.pdf
now to move back to cups148
some ppl may still use commands, so I confirmed ghostscript_common loaded but not the full monty
a quick google showed a nice link
--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=/tmp/out.pdf /tmp/test.ps
--- End code ---
To save you clicking the image its a pdf being viewed on 4x in firefox
Pretty colours....won't need to take the red pill tonight :D
I forgot to mention that ghostscript will have ghostscript_common removed from depends just like the prev maintainer had it
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