Well, after one days usage of the new tc2.0rc2, I am beginning to change my mind about FLWM. I do like the way it uses screen real-estate, but a few what may appear minor niggles are really irritating me about it at the moment:
1. No taskbar clock (with time and date)
2. No quick way of dropping to the desktop
3. Since no taskbar, there is no way to add little buttons to start up other applications (I loved that JWM taskbar feature).
In other words, I really miss the taskbar...
I have a feeling new users are not going to like FLWM compared to JWM and I'm kind of worried that JWM will not be maintained properly any more (alas, I cannot offer to take on that task).
There are certainly many things I do like about FLWM, but I also want a taskbar (though I recognise that a taskbar is a waste of space if permanently on-top and useless when covered up...)!
Some kind of tiny, floating, always on top (perhaps) taskbar would be great along with FLWM.