i feel like more of a fool....
the Topic was about Picuntu OS for RK3066 devices.
well it seems to work fine from the youtube videos showing it.
It has an apps database "sudo apt get" of some ten thousand
apps via ubuntu repository. USB audio works Mic and Speaker.
There is some custome Kernels that give you fully opened GPU
acceleration. They are also free.
There is all of this also in other Ununtu flavors now for the "quad
core" devices with rockchip RK 3188
it's such a shame that hardware of the world can't realize
it's OS software potential just due to some information intellectual
property rights.
I expect its the same with cell phones and those operating systems also. The
apps also. Java.
When you start to think about it , it gets ridiculous. See Android and google
although free (Google is valued at 685 billion dollars top of fortune 500 and
most wealthy company). So seems there is a lot to protect.
See there is only maybe 6 to 10 oerating systems in the consumer markers
hand helds devices in the world. In the sense of office and Msoft etc. Android etc
(Sorry lost my train of thought) but yes...then you just have about 40 CPU models
in the entire world. (currently for hand held devices globally) Those are ARM based
as it seems. The rights and licenses start to get ridiculous ramifications.
what was i originally posting about?
oh right. Operating Systems. TCL. great to see such a innovation.