Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum
Can it boot faster? Let's try :)
Hi pioj
--- Quote ---Are the extension files compressed using UPX?
--- End quote ---
No, they are squashed into the extension. See:
You can check that yourself:
--- Code: ---upx -t file
--- End code ---
I never noted any.
Are you sure about libraries? That would be news to me...
It works for exes and dll at Windows, but I'm afraid it only works for executables on Linux.
Anyways, we have a good example in Xorg-7.6.tcz, which has up to five different executables, 1 MB each. (Xnest, Xephyr, Xdmx, Xvfb, Xorg and Xfbdev).
I'll try to do some tests with them. Who knows...
--- Quote from: pioj on April 27, 2013, 08:23:17 PM ---I'm afraid it only works for executables on Linux.
--- End quote ---
plus kernel ;)
You should guys start pack your executables in tczs with "upx -9". TC is getting bigger every year. You can also compile some programs with static libraries that will be compressed both with executables.
kernel could be compuked with uncomoressed core.gz and then upx with biggest compression should be used.
I am using mobile internet with limited megabites. Installing new version is still fast becouse TC is not bloatware.
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