Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

Can it boot faster? Let's try :)

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Ok. I just learned to unpack, modify, and repack .tcz extensions this morning.

So, I'm trying to figure how could I speed some things a bit more. I have some more questions to ask:

1. Which approach do you guys like most?    (on a common modern machine, let's say 4GB RAM)

  A) SquashFS with -comp lzo.   LZO extensions will be bigger than gzip in size, but they will uncompress faster than gzip at boot time.

  B) SquashFS with -comp xz.   XZ extensions are smaller in size and they will load faster to RAM before they have to uncompress.

2. Are the  extensions first copied into Ram then uncrompressed into it, or are just directly uncompressed? 

3. Wouldn't be faster to pack some related extensions (iex. Xorg) into one big .tcz if you're going to load the whole extension anyway?

Note: I'm not talking about submitting anything or chaning the way the Repos are.   I'm just colleting some opinions...

Ah I forgot..

Is it mandatory to use '-b 4096' when packing to tcz?  I found this to result in a bigger file...

For the first question, XZ squashfs is not supported in our current kernel config.

--- Quote ---2. Are the  extensions first copied into Ram then uncrompressed into it, or are just directly uncompressed?
--- End quote ---

They aren't uncompressed at all, unless you choose so (via copy2fs). If they are, it happens directly from the storage device, without a copy to RAM first.

--- Quote ---3. Wouldn't be faster to pack some related extensions (iex. Xorg) into one big .tcz if you're going to load the whole extension anyway?
--- End quote ---

Yes, it would. That's why we used to have some big packs (compiletc and Xorg), though it's much better for maintenance to have modularity.

--- Quote ---Is it mandatory to use '-b 4096' when packing to tcz?  I found this to result in a bigger file...
--- End quote ---

Yes, as it greatly decreases RAM usage. For your own use, you can of course use whatever you like; but 4k for the repo.

Thx a lot , curaga.

--- Quote ---Yes, as it greatly decreases RAM usage. For your own use, you can of course use whatever you like; but 4k for the repo.
--- End quote ---
I now understand what it does, thx. I'll be testing a lot with block sizes, so I may post my results on a separate thread :)

Are the extension files compressed using UPX? 

I know by experience this tool works great with executables and libraries.


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