I use this line in Syslinux:
KERNEL vmlinuz
INITRD core.gz
APPEND console=ttyS0 quiet tce=UUID="myuuid" logo.nologo
NOTE: Use logo.nologo only if you have framebuffer enabled. I don't use it, so I didn't included that option, actually...
- adding "console" flag to serial does redirect any message during boot.
- "quiet" means "loglevel=4" and is more recommended that "loglevel=3" as we still want to know any possible error during boot.
- I also edited /etc/motd , which is a text file, and I left it blank (no text). This removes your last text at the screen before login/X starts.
The only message I couldn't remove is the Syslinux welcome message at the beginning. But I suppose I'd need to recompile syslinux just for that.
good luck!