Question Which gui did you use for that static setting pls?
First successful print to wireless printer
1 Here is what I did, I re-looked at your suggestion on router to printer....wireless and stayed with ethernet connection (for this test) Desktop tower to router
2 I relooked at trying to do WPS and found this screen .....finally in my router
Note: WEP security, WPA authentication and TKIP encryption are not supported with WPS enabled.
For network security, it is strongly recommended to enable wireless security and use WPA2-PSK AES encryption
Note this means for this test I have no security enabled wireless broadcast.........a bit of worry for me. I just did one text file print and then disabled wireless. I don't care that I may have to do it all over again.
3) start cups but because I am using ethernet, avahi not started
4) then I get this screen......inside the cups web page....I chose the discovered one, modded image as forgot to click into radio button before snapshot
continue to next image
You will notice that my address is similar to our French friend but my ip differs umm lets call it sub-domain?
HP can print reports so some small snippets are
a) URL for embedded web server= .....................YES
b) wireless status connected......but it now takes on the SSID of my router = Tinycore
c) Authenication = open system no encryption..............I may be able to change this..............but I don't plan to use wireless this way unless I can fix it
d) for router it supplies the BSSID channel 6 Privacy disabled blank Authentication blank Encyption signal number and WPS=yes
e) problems found
Tested one text file only then wireless router turned off.
Once again......thanks heaps for your help and patience
----I am not happy with using current setup......I need to find a better way of giving it some security.....but its the first success
thats enough for tonite.
I will try again tomorrow with luck and try the PIN method to see if I can enable some security to wireless for router
Then relook at usb lead into router
I think at this stage......I agree with you on desktop tower wireless avahi-browse.....if no IPP found then no go
also need to test desktop tower....fully wireless to router to wireless printer
sorry I know some spelling mistakes too tired