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Author Topic: [DISREGARD] gutenprint v 5.2.9 UPGRADE warning  (Read 5728 times)


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[DISREGARD] gutenprint v 5.2.9 UPGRADE warning
« on: March 09, 2013, 11:04:27 PM »

I have yet to submit this upgrade but would like to forewarn you of possible issues on upgrade,

Info file now reads

The Gutenprint package contains plug-and-play drivers for hundreds of printers.
      It generates PPD files dynamically to save space on your hard drive. This allows
      printing only for some single or multifunction or all-in-ones printers. There are other tczs
      that may offer PPDs. This tcz does not have the gimp plugin by compile design.

      "It is suggested that you have at least 64 MB of memory for general purpose printing,
      256 MB or more for high quality printing on a good printer, and 1 GB or more for
      large format printing at high resolution"

      Optional TCZ: gutenprint-ijs

      A 5.2.9 list of PPDs is here http://ompldr.org/vaHBocg/gutlist
      Pls consider using this list before deciding to download this package.
      There may be are other tczs in TC which offer PPDs for your printer?
                ** Note well for this UPGRADE ** (includes instructions for new users)
      We now use /usr/local
      1) Before reboot, remove any gutenprint files and pathways from /opt/.filetool.lst
      2) Your old PPD may not be upgraded, but make a backup of it such as to usb stick.
      If new gutenprint does not have a PPD for you, see step (6)
      3) Reboot, load gutenprint then cups, turn on printer then start cups with
      $ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/cups restart ( a safer option)
      4) If you have no persistence for root password, create root password with $ sudo passwd
      5) Point web browser to http://localhost:631/admin -- Then click on Add printer (not find printer)
      Cups will then ask for root password....after you have, then redo the search for a PPD
      6) ## Only for those who did not find a PPD, copy your backup old PPD to /tmp and run
      $ sudo cups-genppdupdate -s /tmp -o /tmp
      in cups click on the PPD file option and point to /tmp
      7) All users, then click set the default after making any changes.

      To persist across boots, add to /opt/.filetool.lst
      usr/local/etc/cups/ppd/filename.ppd (Change filename to your specific name)
      usr/local/etc/cups/printer.conf (if you changed a setting)
      etc/passwd (if you like to keep root password)
      etc/shadow (ditto)

      If you print nearly every boot, consider adding
      to your onboot.lst  If you do, then add the following to your bootlocal.sh
      /usr/local/etc/init.d/cups start

      Epson ink level can be found with
      $ escputil --ink-level --raw-device /dev/usb/lp0

      Please check other executables that are available and I recommend the gutenprint-doc.tcz on
      their use or further tips on how to use this package.

2) When it arrives if you are not sure whether it contains a PPD for your printer, hopefully you can see my link list
left hand side is name of file.....right hand side is name of actual printer in full. Note that a printer maker may be mentioned in multiple areas so scroll or use the search function for your web browser.


I will advise when tcz hits main mirror ETA 1-2 weeks if no build errors

I am happy to change the info file if anyone cares to give advice.

thanks for reading

EDIT, info upgraded, quote box removed to keep font size
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 09:04:34 AM by aus9 »


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Re: gutenprint v 5.2.9
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2013, 09:15:07 PM »
Just to make it obvious why I did above post, I have an Epson XP-100 that I can not use to verify any PPD from gutenprint. So I am hoping others who do use gutenprint, might like to drop by later, when the upgrade lands, to advise if they had any issues or not.

I am not trying to stop you from doing bug reports, but I can't test so positive feedback would be welcome if the tcz is reasonable.

thanks for reading


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Re: gutenprint v 5.2.9
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2013, 07:07:29 PM »

gutenprint is uploading now, thanks gutmensch.

Please take care in upgrading.

Feedback will be appreciated.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2013, 07:09:46 PM by aus9 »

Offline vinnie

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Re: gutenprint v 5.2.9 UPGRADE warning
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2013, 03:00:53 AM »
Thanks for advise!


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Re: [DISREGARD] gutenprint v 5.2.9 UPGRADE warning
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2013, 09:10:26 AM »
I sold all my possessions to buy a second hand printer Epson TX100 which uses gutenprint PPD

it prints so I am happy with gutenprint until you tell me otherwise so warning is now lifted

marked as solved

trivia some snippets of debug log

Code: [Select]
[Job 1] Started filter /usr/local/lib/cups/filter/pdftops (PID 15702)
[Job 1] Started filter /usr/local/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 15703)
[Job 1] Started filter /usr/local/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2 (PID 15704)
[Job 1] Started backend /usr/local/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 15705
[Job 1] Started filter gs (PID 15706)
[Job 1] Started filter pstops (PID 15707)

[Job 1] Wrote 1 pages...

[Job 1] PID 15706 (gs) exited with no errors.
[Job 1] PID 15707 (pstops) exited with no errors.
PID 15702 (/usr/local/lib/cups/filter/pdftops) exited with no errors