Here is the command ouput:
ls -lh /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/boot
total 70864
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tc staff 66.7M Feb 16 22:11 core.gz
drwxrwxr-x 2 tc staff 4.0K Feb 16 22:12 extlinux/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tc staff 2.4M Feb 16 22:11 vmlinuz
"Loading/tce/boot/core.gz.............................................." which continues for five minutes.
Please clarify what you mean. Do new dots continue to get printed? Or does it just stand still after a certain amount of dots?
-Dots continue to get printed for 5 minutes
Could you try to boot your remastered core.gz from a different boot medium?
-I'm not clear what you mean by "boot remastered core.gz from a different boot medium".
Tried to install remastered TinyCore.iso to DVD, but DVD was not mountable.
However, belatedly I just realized that the remastered usb drives boot fine on a newer computer.
When I download and install TinyCore to a usb, tc boots fine from my old HP Pavilion.
But remastering TinyCore to another usb causes a 5 minute boot delay ( but only on old HP, not a newer machine).
Apparently, the old HP does not recognize something in the remaster.
There is no way TinyCore can support all hardware, especially hardware obsolete by modern standards.
If you have think solving this issue is important for others, I'm happy to work with you to figure it out.
Otherwise, I'm more than satisfied with the way TinyCore performs.
Thanks for your help, Rich and TinyPoodle,