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Author Topic: picuntu  (Read 13403 times)

Offline cast-fish

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Offline hiro

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2013, 04:44:53 AM »
seen this heavily bench tested and the results were good.  People complain a little about the GPU
but it really isn't an issue. It performs great as a 3D games tablet also
Actually it is an issue, because we don't have linux drivers for the decoder it seems. But the competition is not much better, it's all about proper documentation.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2013, 09:47:24 AM »

say you got yourself a quad core android tablet then you could really use its cores to good effect...

however its still a bit of a grey area....say for example that you are using three different apps on your quad core android tablet...at the same time....say those apps are all single core apps (not multi-core) I wonder how your quad core tablet deals with them?

say you take your quad core tablet and instruct your first android app to do some work which is gonna take about 5 minutes....so you start it off then push that app to the back burner.....will the CPU give that app a whole core to itself?....

essentially what I am asking is ......does a quad core CPU have the intelligence to see that the droid that it is currently sitting in has 3 different "single core" apps running at the same time and will the CPU therefore give each off those apps its own dedicated core..?...(or do all the 3 apps simply share the gateway entrance of core 1....then as core 1 becomes maxed out, core 1 calls on its sister cores 2,3,4 to do some extra housekeeping for itself....and report back the results to core 1 and out to the apps? (in other words ,cores 2 3 4 become slaves for core 1.......)

or ...is it true that because all 3 apps are "single core apps" then the CPU will never employ its 2 3 and 4 cores.......all the apps will just only ever share core 1 as core 1 slowly does the work of all three apps?)

I realize that when an app is "multi-core" it sees and uses all the cores of the CPU at the same time...(like "mxplayer" app)

to be honest....I think its a worste case scenario here and all those 3 apps above will just have to share one core....(core 1)

I know android itself is "multi core" and uses all the cores of the CPU so its very fast and smooth....but only a microcosm of the 800 thousand android apps are actually "multi-core" apps......mostly about maybe a few thousand 3d games...

(i don't want to get and deaper about cores and core redundancy with regard to cpu and gpu
on certain scenarios but i imagine the "truth table" for it is actually not too complicated and would
reveal the full story.

I am told that because iOS by apple is NOT a multi tasking operating system, then APPLE simply
buy the cheapest chip baking production line with some archicteture mods done to the cpu
chips SOC's by say  "chinese factory's".

i think apple do Tube line streamling of DUAL CORE chips so that the extra core does very basic
stuff to help the OS out a bit. LIke upadted background apps in realtime and other HELPER things
but esstentially the DUAL second core is redundant in ALL APPLE devices for 90 percent of the time
and on 90 percent of all software interaction even at OS level.  (its just cheaper for apple to use
DUAL CORE backing in the iphones of the world.  Same for Quad core etc.....it's all just REDUNDANT
horse power sitting in the worlds devices doing absolutely nothing.

This is my understanding. Then the way CORPS like apple control the hardware and software
lifecycle (and like you said, you don't have the drivers for Vivanti) means they ultimately control
the capitalization of the consumer.  (worlds consumers).  The start to SELL several APPS which
cost MORE than any hardware....simply because those APPS complete several TASKS at the same
time...so are user desirable.  (Consumers don't realize the have just payed for the Hen House, the Hen, the Egg box to puts i'ts daily lay in, then the water and food for the Hen and then the MATING
RIGHTS of all other cocks with that Hen)   Analogy.   (i don't understand your annalogy....Thats EXACTLY what the consumer does not understand....and its how the giant CORPS want the consumers hoodwinked.....sunscribing to everything known to man....like APPLE have

So that is again, just my understanding. 

Android is multi tasking so once you put a flavor of linux onto it...you have a nice desktop
quad core tablet or something like that...(HDMI out)....it can do true multi-tasking and seems
to be ok.

I know nobody cares about this. It just was some obsession of my understanding. If anything, perhaps in a retail store i could be a good salesman by only instruction a consumer to certain
hardware in respect of requirementst they have of the hardware.  See , this is all very well
until perhaps you start talking about  equiping an corporations buildings with thin client terminals
Say 20 thousand. THen knowing what's what can help.  $$$$

(that is non relevant....some would say)  But do people realize just how much of society;s
equipement is NOT even paid for. IT's not even owned at all....it's not even the property of
the corporation themselves. It's leased under heavy heavy licensing terms.

Well it;s ridiuclous ramblings here.  More so, than perhaps could have been needed where by
you guys here would be even able to create an entire new OS....which was something brilliant
like you have with TCL. 

ANother irrelevant thing...but just a comment from some where but because Android is so free
now it's stopped the awful notion to pirate tools  (for many )....i seems to somehow be a cool
reality now.

Yes lots of this thread is squat diddly Nothing to do with TCL....sorry for the ramblings.
I think the thread CORE was about cheap costing hardware and such like.  Tried to stay on

Android is modular. Does seem to be nice how it works on hardware.
I am amazed what comes out of A11winner A10 clocked at 1.2 ghz. It seems to work flawlessly
with maybe 10 apps at the same time. I was wondering WHY would anybody need quad core?
or the whole redundancy topic above.

do i have any TCL stuff to add here?

for what it's worth i think SCM is where it shines.  This was from a simple common sense aspect.
I should really take a look at TCL....     

these opinions above are just that....so

I know Rpi have not got android have they?....again it's about the releasing of proprierry  GPU
code and blobs.

A side note, i had a genius idea for Apple to put at SLOT ONE in the app store the advert of the
HDMI cables and such like so that the world can use their i phones as desktop computers. That
would be such a resourceful thing would.n't it.



Offline cast-fish

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2013, 09:55:29 AM »
sorry that earlier post has a tonne of stuff missing from it....

had typed it all out at the start...it simple dissappeared .

My initial comments were that the FINE7 GENIUS tablet looks very good.

There was almos another page of text.....thats gone missing.  Really not sure
why?   (perhaps the post was too long?)


Offline cast-fish

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2013, 10:00:43 AM »
I was puzzled with central processing chips.....what I mean is the arrays of the chip design...."single core"....."double core"....."quad core".....?

I was told android is a multitasking os .......but apple iOS is not....

what does that mean?......I think it means that you can't run several apps at the same time on an apple...if the app is not front screen then it won't be processing...

whereas android can run many apps at the same time...even if they are not front screen...if you told the apps to process something then they will do what they are told even when not at the front of the screen...


Offline cast-fish

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2013, 10:23:09 AM »

sorry i feel like more of a fool....

the Topic was about Picuntu OS for  RK3066  devices.


well it seems to work fine from the youtube videos showing it.

It has an apps database  "sudo apt get" of some ten thousand
apps via ubuntu repository.   USB audio works Mic and Speaker.

There is some custome Kernels that give you fully opened GPU
acceleration. They are also free.

There is all of this also in other Ununtu flavors now for the "quad
core" devices with rockchip    RK 3188

it's such a shame that hardware of the world can't realize
it's OS software potential just due to some information intellectual
property rights.


I expect its the same with cell phones and those operating systems also. The
apps also.   Java.

When you start to think about it , it gets ridiculous. See Android and google
although free  (Google is valued at 685 billion dollars top of fortune 500 and
most wealthy company).   So seems there is a lot to protect.

See there is only maybe 6 to 10 oerating systems in the consumer markers
hand helds devices in the world.  In the sense of office and Msoft etc. Android etc
(Sorry lost my train of thought)  but yes...then you just have about 40 CPU models
in the entire world.  (currently for hand held devices globally) Those are ARM based
as it seems.   The rights and licenses start to get ridiculous ramifications.

what was i originally posting about?

oh right. Operating Systems.  TCL.  great to see such a innovation.



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Re: picuntu
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2013, 10:24:51 AM »
perhaps the post was too long?

suggest you use preview for a longish reply next time, it should say it exceeded a certain number of characters, IF it exceeded,
otherwise it displays the true preview

I forget how many

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2013, 10:54:41 AM »
Spotting that orphaned
at bottom of that very long post, something might have gone wrong independent of total length.
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline cast-fish

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2013, 12:34:44 PM »
yes Tinypoodle etc

thanks for the points....

TO be honest there is somekind of copy poaste issue on this laptop here. You see the laptop keyboard
has not worked for ever.  Somehow it also somtimes gets copying and pasting adrfit....PS2 keyboard
(on certain scenarios with TWO processes and tool(s) open)

so...(usually it's down to me....heavy handed and misstakes)

It's a shame because the post started by covering the into about the topic.

It was generalizing about cheap hardware palm held hardware....what OS"s there are for
the devices and the relationship(s) with apps  and such like.


i take it that you kind of got the idea.  Probably you are not particularly interested in that topic.

Redundancy with cpu chip designs.  It must be all concerning the manufacturing for just-in-time
production.   (maybe)

Still enjoy getting by myself real good with buying this gear and knowing what's what.

it's busy for a sunday...topic..........sorry


Offline hiro

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2013, 12:54:16 PM »
no point in making so many guesses.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: picuntu
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2013, 01:44:37 PM »

not sure.  it doesn't matter.

This is my understanding. Then the way CORPS like apple control the hardware and software
lifecycle (and like you said, you don't have the drivers for Vivanti) means they ultimately control
the capitalization of the consumer.  (worlds consumers).  They start to SELL several APPS which
cost MORE than any hardware....simply because those APPS complete several TASKS at the same
time...so are user desirable. 

Consumers don't realize they have just payed for the Hen House, the Hen, the Egg box to puts i'ts daily lay in, then the water and food for the Hen and then the MATING RIGHTS of all other cocks with that Hen)   Analogy.   

Thats EXACTLY what the consumer do not understand....and its how the giant CORPS want the consumers hoodwinked.....subscribing to everything known to man....like APPLE have.

corrected the paragraph above.

"no point making so many guesses"......one can only assume your referring to the thread contents

do you know much about that CORE theory?....it is a very simple description i have rendered
and would be most grateful for any feedback.  The way cores are used or redundant as blocks
of concrete at the bottom of the ocean from Day one they are baked into a cpu?

I know that AMD for example, check the final FABS of the cpu chips off the production line. Say they check the first million chips using infra red cameras. The batch of a million then gets a YIELD value. Zero is best.  So say they fall below yeild 5...then AMD will turn off TWO OF THE CORES for ever. They are just placed as electronicially dead. Those can never be used ever in that batch of global cpu chips. Then the batch is just sold as a Lower model in the family....sporting only two cores etc

BUt i am not just talking about production quality...but also about if the OS and archictecture
actually handycaps the cpu chip together with only "single core" user land apps.

ye.....do you know how cpu's and their cores manage "single core" apps and "multi core apps" at the same time?...either in groups of EITHER / OR.....How much of the time is the cpu processing cores such as ....cores 2 , 3, 4 totally idle....?   

doen't matter if you don't know.   It's heavy for Sunday
