dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

HDMI console display cropped on Cubieboard

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I'm having the same problem with Cubieboard and a Samsung HDMI TV.
It works fine with the stock android 4.0 graphical interface image but it's cropping all around with debian console.

Typically the television has different setting to try.This is the easiest way.
Other than that you can try editing uEnv.txt and / or comparing script.bin with that which Andoid is using.
You will need bin2fex and fex2bin for such comparison or simply try your Android script bin..

Tried to use the one android is using which I took from the NAND but the problem persists.


Did you try the settings on TV?
Example, my Vizio has settings for Normal, Wide, Stretch, and Zoom.
I set my Vizio to Normal and all is OK using a cubieboard.

Yes I did try those, went thought all the menus, and read the manual twice, no option do disable overscan (if there is any).
I've had another hdmi device connected which also works fine with no cropping problems.


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