Hello all. New here

I've just downloaded TC 1.4.1, and been trying it and it boots ok on my system without problem. As soon as I tried it though I began to wonder if I could use TC as some sort of simple "boot the live TC CD and use the internet" style of CD.
I managed to get TC to see my Netgear WG111V2 USB OK (though it wasn't detected automatically, I had to issue a modprobe rtl8187 from the command line). I also noticed purely by accient that if I created (as I'm booting from CD, not USB memory stick or hard drive) a 'tce' directory in the root of the iso image I'm using (and then burnt it to a rewritable CD) then at boot the extensions in the tce were loaded at boot.
Working out the depencies (for the extensions) were easy to do as well - I used (on my main 64 bit system) qemu and used the appbrowser to do this (then modified the iso file I mentioned, and put the extensions into the iso file in /tce (the iso file)).
So that all worked well. But for the life of me I could not figure out how to make TC do the modprobe automatically (and to set up the wlan, the netgear WG111V2). Is there some sort of directory I can make on the CD to load in these files at boot? Does TC use scripts in a similar way to slackware, i.e. /etc/rc.d style scripts?