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Author Topic: Loading modules automatically/starting configuration at boot from CD  (Read 4086 times)

Offline ljones

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Hello all. New here :) !

I've just downloaded TC 1.4.1, and been trying it and it boots ok on my system without problem. As soon as I tried it though I began to wonder if I could use TC as some sort of simple "boot the live TC CD and use the internet" style of CD.

I managed to get TC to see my Netgear WG111V2 USB OK (though it wasn't detected automatically, I had to issue a modprobe rtl8187 from the command line). I also noticed purely by accient that if I created (as I'm booting from CD, not USB memory stick or hard drive) a 'tce' directory in the root of the iso image I'm using (and then burnt it to a rewritable CD) then at boot the extensions in the tce were loaded at boot.

Working out the depencies (for the extensions) were easy to do as well - I used (on my main 64 bit system) qemu and used the appbrowser to do this (then modified the iso file I mentioned, and put the extensions into the iso file in /tce (the iso file)).

So that all worked well. But for the life of me I could not figure out how to make TC do the modprobe automatically (and to set up the wlan, the netgear WG111V2). Is there some sort of directory I can make on the CD to load in these files at boot? Does TC use scripts in a similar way to slackware, i.e. /etc/rc.d style scripts?

« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 02:10:26 PM by ljones »

Offline roberts

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Try  /opt/bootlocal.sh
Runs as root during the last stages of booting.
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.

Offline ljones

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Try  /opt/bootlocal.sh
Runs as root during the last stages of booting.

Ok :) but since I'd need to modify that file (and put it on the CD) do I have to decompress (off the CD/ISO) /boot/tinycore.gz and modify it inside there? I tried ungzipping tinycore.gz and mounting it as a loopfile but it didn't seem to work. x.x

If I use 'backup' from the control panel will that let me save modifications to /opt/bootlocal.sh ? Can I just put that file backup makes onto the CD's root and it gets loaded automatically? ???

« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 03:08:57 PM by ljones »

Offline curaga

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Yes, doing a backup will save modifications to bootlocal.sh. And it can be put to the cd root. It may cause an error later though, if one attempts to do another backup over it, as cd is readonly.

See the wiki page on remastering for info on editing tinycore.gz
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Offline roberts

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Then perhaps making your own mynet.tce which is just a tarball of your network settings with a startup script which has your modprobe qnd iwconfig stuff.
See FAQ http://www.tinycorelinux.com/faq.html#startup_scripts
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.