Dell Dimension 4600 (2004 vintage)
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz ( 1 core )
RAM: 512 MB
HD : 4GB USB flash drive ( all actual HD and optical drives currently disconnected )
NIC: Intel Corporation 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 05)
Intel Corporation 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Controller (rev 02)
WIFI: none
VID: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) (on-board)
Sound: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
Core 4.7 w/fltk-1.1.10, Xlibs, Xprogs, Xorg-7.5, wbar, jwm
openssh, minefield7, filezilla, gtm5, sylpheed, emelfm2, bftpd, cherokee (etc)
Frugal install on a USB stick - nothing persistent except the tce directory and mydata.gz
A general utility box - light ftp and http serving, some routing.
I seem to recall having to fiddle with the graphics a bit to get it to display the right colors or brightness but I've been running it headless for so long I don't remember the details.