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Author Topic: [UPDATED] Lazarus and FPC stable  (Read 6035 times)

Offline Zendrael

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[UPDATED] Lazarus and FPC stable
« on: December 29, 2012, 12:18:44 PM »
Hello all!

I just wanto to have an updated Lazarus and FPC to its actual stable release.

Can someone update it?

And is anybody there interested on it?

« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 05:16:15 PM by Zendrael »

Offline AmatCoder

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 05:42:45 AM »
In the next few days, I will send an update of fpc (to 2.6.2 version) and lazarus (to 1.0.8 version).

Offline Zendrael

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 07:02:48 AM »
Thank you VERY much AmatCoder!

Can you please post here again when it is updated?

Offline AmatCoder

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 08:22:29 PM »
Extensions have been sent today. I will post here again when repository is update.

Offline Zendrael

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 06:50:36 AM »
Extensions have been sent today. I will post here again when repository is update.

You are really fast! Thank you very much!

Waiting to rebuild my projects in it now... All FreePascal and Lazarus programmers will be really thankful for sure!

Offline Zendrael

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 03:29:38 PM »
Hey AmatCoder!

The extensions still didn't appear to me to update. Did everything went well?


Offline AmatCoder

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 04:45:12 PM »
The extensions still didn't appear to me to update. Did everything went well?
As far as I know, yes... Repository has not been updated by gutmensch yet.

Offline Zendrael

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Re: Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 05:15:43 PM »
Repo updated!


Offline CaptBill

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Re: [UPDATED] Lazarus and FPC stable
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2013, 11:06:50 AM »
Thanks AmatCoder,
Everything installs quite nicely here. I managed to give it a good test run. Heres what I found.
All is fine until you attempt to install third party components or "packages" in Lazarus terminology (.lpk files). Each time you install an .lpk file the entire Lazarus IDE is recompiled and restarted. My suspicion is the loop mounting in TC is not being refreshed correctly, causing a problem with "ld".

Here is what I learned and how I managed a work around:
1)Do not put your components directory in the home directory. Put them where they do not get backed-up in the "mydata.tcz" if possible. My system takes 10+ minutes to re-boot.
2)ONLY install components when you are installing components. Don't touch the compiler and don't open any projects, other than a default.
3)Do only a few at a time, and when you succeed with that batch, do a full re-boot and retest the installation. This final step is important.

There are certain must have components lacking in the stock configuration, for example Sqlite3 support. It is easy to install because it is included with your installation, just not "registered/installed" yet. There are quite a few included directly from the base installation.Here's how to install them and almost any others:

1) Remember: Fresh start. Boot up, open Lazarus (withsimply a stock/blank project runnig) and go strait to installing packages.
2) Go to mainmenu/Package/Install/Uninstall Packages... this will bring up the Package installer. Uninstalled packages are on the right. These are all available in the included libraries. Search in the package list of available packages and fing sqlite3* package (currently it is "sqlite3laz 0.4")...highlight it and hit install selection and it moves it to the install group.
3) Simply click the "save and rebuild" button at the bottom of the form and this will do a full recompilation of the Lazarus IDE, with the packages you added compiled in.
4) The final important step is to fully close down and re-boot. Make sure you using the "backup" option. The new "compiled application" must be finalized in the loop mounting TC. If you forget this shutdown, the changes won't persist.

Downloading other components/packages is easy too. Just download and extract/save them to their own directory.
1) Go to mainmenue/Package/Open Package file (.lpk.). Find the .lpk you want. Ok. This will open another more complex installer.
2) I always try to first compile the .lpk. Hit the "compile" button. It will compile. Watch for erros in the debug window included.
3) If it compiles ok now you click the "use" button. The option "install" should be available. Pick it.
4) You will be prompted for a "Do you want to fully rebuild/compile Lazarus IDE". Click yes an watch the debugger output.
5) Some .lpk files don't have any graphical components and these don't need to be "installed". Just "compile" and they are recognized. A warning dialog will tell you that "there is no registerd components in this lpk. Still want to proceed?" Just cancel. If you compiled it ok it is good to go.

Here is what I managed to do. I was able to successfully install the BGRAbitmat packages and had a successful, from the ground up install of "LazPaint", directly into TinyCore!!!!


Thanks again to AmatCoder. I had all but given up hope on this crazy dream system. Good show!!

So what is LazPaint? Well, Lazpaint is actually the main demo app/project for the VERY sucessfull BGRABitmap graphical library. It is everthing you would want to build a better PhotoShop. It is just a very well made graphics back end. LazPaint is a very advanced little graphic application itself. If you are using MyPaint, you will like LazPaint. Lazpaint is probably more advanced and somewhere between MyPaint and Gimp. It's not quite Gimp YET.

Plus, remember, you have full control of this open source project. You can directly compile right from the IDE. From Pascal--assembly code--machine code. There are no dependecies  (except window manager) with your produced executable. The LazPaint executable is 5.6mb. Will run stand alone.

I plan on doing a thread showing the details about how to get BGRAbitmap and the LaPaint project happening for you in a separate thread.

« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 03:23:44 PM by CaptBill »
James 3[4] Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth.