We see frequent ibiblio out of space issues, they do not have enough storage to host growing repositories including Tiny Core Linux. Fortunately, there are more than 10 mirrors replicating repo all around the World. My proposal is to drop ibiblio as a repository and use only mirrors with a private master. In such case master is not listed as mirror, so can be anywhere even at home with 7/24 broadband connection. Except initial setup it is not bandwith critical. Storage is cheap, an old PC would be OK with a RAID1 HD. Even you can use Core as OP system
If master is lost, a new master can be resynced from a mirror. Using a subdomain what you can online maintain you can move server around without reconfiguring morrors!
This is not a unique solution, there are vendors with no own repo offered.
Also you can segment repo on platforms with different mirror list and mirrors (and different master) for x86, armv6, ...
I can offer a master for armv6 with a dedicated domain sitting on a broadband link if there are mirrors.
It would work and would offer better realibility cutting dependency on ibiblio.
Without quotas on ibiblio, and with the constantly "out of disk space" something needs to be done.
1. Private server, at home, at least in the US, would have very slow uplink. Our internet access choices are very limited, very slow (compared to many), and very expensive.
2. Most of our mirrors are not "ours" they are mirroring ibiblio. We do not have direct contact. There have been very few that have asked us to become a mirror. As such we do not have upload access for extensions.
I am most interested in any and all proposals.
If there are any providers that benefit from Tiny Core and are able to host, please post here or PM me.
If there are any other Universities that are able to offer file distribution services, please post here or PM me.
We only need file distribtion, limited upload only by dedicated team member, with unlimited downloads by the community.
We do not need web page, forum, or wiki hosting. We have that covered. Only file repository.
Even if the repository is broken up by platform with several provides hosting only a single platform would be great.
We are only a small team of volunteers. There has never been a request for donations. Money has never been a need, goal ir desire for this project. The team, including myself, do not wish to be involved with finances. So we are hoping that some or several providers will step forward to offer free file hosting.
We can freeze older repositories and hopefully leave them here on ibiblio. Only move 4.x which includes x86, x86_64, armv6, and armv7.