Vendor lockin? How so? Git's nature makes vendor lockin more or less impossible, unless you get over-attached to their bug tracker, or something.
yes, technically you are right. and i do understand the awesome nature of git's design.
i guess i should have said github smells a little like facebook.
chalk it up to paranoia, i mean it in the sense that github might slowly become synonymous with git (for the uninitiated), much like how facebook is slowly becoming synonymous with social interaction (for a certain portion of global society).
for example, just check out how many advertisements and corporate logos are on git's 'official' website, and what percentage of links on the front page point to github. in fact, you'll be directed to download the source from them, and not, for example, a less commercial entity like
people adopt and discard technology quickly,
people are attached to their society more permanently.
it's the web 2.0 version of vendor 'lock-in'.
hey it's just a minor critical commentary. i do think they do good work, and the website is spiffy.
also currently the corporation seems like a good community member, and i find that the way they organized their company in the beginning to be a fascinating and intelligent template for an open business.
_and_ all this is *not* to say, that i *don't* appreciate and support your choices and efforts.
so thank you.