I want to add locale.tcz font.tcz into TinyCore-4.7.iso,which was downloaded from offical web.
I use UltraISO to add locale.tcz font.tcz into /cde/optional of TinyCore-4.7.iso,then save it.
I test the iso in VirtualPC 2007.
VirtualPC boot ,but stop at "tc@box:",can't load X GUI .startx do not work,there isn't the command.
In /mnt/sr0,there is nothing,but there is the files in TinyCore-4.7.iso when boot from offical iso.
I want to make a cd to boot TinyCore-4.7 with the locale and font ,which can make it possiable to display the non-english files in the disk.
When I copy the files in the iso to the root of local disk partion (hd0,0)/,X GUI works with grub,rename cde to tce ,and add extentions to (hd0,0)/tce/optional,locale and font work.
Why I can't modify the offical iso with UltraISO to add extentions into /cde/optional?
Maybe,the modified iso can't be mounted to /mnt/sr0.