Team Tinycore is pleased to announce corepure64 - a fully 64-bit version of tinycore for x86_64.
- Based on version 4.7 of core/core64
- Fully 64-bit toolchain and base applications/libraries using the same source versions as core/core64
- Uses vmlinuz64 and the kernel modules *-tinycore64 from core64
- Not compatible with 32-bit extensions from core/core64
- Uses Xorg-7.6 as Xvesa is not 64-bit compatible
- compiletc toolchain available to build user supplied extensions
- editor/fluff and basic gtk2 applications available
Distribution files are available at: feedback would be welcomed and much appreciated. As this is a first version, please approach with care and do not use on production systems.
Tested on one (dell e6220) machine with intel hd3000 graphics hardware and broadcom wireless.
Due to the (somewhat) protracted development cycle, some extensions are outdated as compared to the x86 repo, please feel free to add and update.
Edit: To clarify:
core64 - each 32-bit app can use up to 4gb of ram
corepure64 - each 64-bit app is only limited by the ram available