I think that dsl made more use of murgalua than puppy ever did.
it did. murgalua was an excellent means of scripting... i really liked murgalua and miss it now that i use tc, but it's gone now and i don't think it will be back. i'm sure it took a lot of work to change everything over to fltk/lua and i think under the circumstances that was the best thing to do.
There really ought to be areas of cross fertilisation between puppy and tc. I hope that the dsl murgalua argument has not soured the relationship between the two communities.
i can't imagine in countless realities how that could be a good idea. with all the trouble in the past, wouldn't it be nice to keep it there, move on, and see other people? i know how these things go, we feel guilty and say "let's just be friends!" because it worked so well before. let's not, let's just leave each other alone, can't we? not telling anyone "stay out," i can't say no one will ever use a puppy idea here, and puppy should use tc ideas if they want, that's why free software is great. but i can hope anyone that comes here generally leaves puppy at the door, even if they don't. see below:
the opinions expressed in this post are those of tobiaus and not those of robert shingledecker, tinycore's other users, or its developers.