> Unless you really REALLY want to be able to do real full text searching, -althalus
yes, i do! searching by the initial string of a package name won't help me unless i already know the name of the package. how does this help me discover feh? or zsync? how can i see all tinycore font packages? with tgre, use tgre ttf, or if you're compiling something and you get "error: missing x" then usually tgre x, tgre info x', tgre install x' solves it. this has saved me hours.
> provides.sh search.sh -althalus
that is super-cool, i didn't know about those. provides.sh appears to retrieve a list of packages with matching info text via cgi, which will likely be sufficient for most users' needs. still, now that tgrex exists, i think i'll keep it around for awhile

i sometimes want to manually regex search my local info files, or read an info file, as dubcore suggests.
> Yikes, that's hitting the mirror hard :p -curaga
um...yes...i meant to ask about that

so, it doesn't re-download .info files that it already has. with a persistent home, it takes about two minutes of server time (real 2m0.309s), with an average download speed of 60K/s during that time. updating the first time was more like downloading a coreplus iso. i hope that's not excessive. for non-persistent home, though, this tool is inadvisable for the user or the server.
> and that without creating a dependency on perl -tinypoodle
yes, dependencies are regrettable. i've gotten better since i wrote this last year and am planning to rewrite it in bash and make some improvements. such as tgre disable x, searching by which executables an extension provides, and of course deciding whether ~/.local/bin or /usr/local/bin is better

> If you have 64-bit hw, you should run a 64-bit kernel. -curaga
agreed! 3.0.21-tinycore64 won't boot on my 2010 thinkpad. i tried compiling my own 64 bit kernel by piecing together scraps of information from the wiki overview, forums, other sources. i got it to boot, but not to load core.gz (something about a missing zcache or zram kernel module). lucky for me, i then found that 3.0.3-tinycore64 does boot on my hardware.