I'd like to package OpenMPI.
OpenMPI is one of MPI(Message Passing Interface:standard interface of parallel processing) software.
MPICH2, LAM-MPI, GridMPI and so on is a kind of it, too.
Each of these MPI software has mpicc, mpiexec, etc.(Same name, but different movement)
I think this may be problems.
For example, after loading openmpi.tcz, to load mpich2.tcz makes overwrote openmpi's mpicc.
Therefore, in this way, user must reboot to use openmpi's mpicc.
But IMHO this problem can be solved by packaging above MPI softwares as SCM, not TCZ.
As far as I know, SCM uses different install places(such as /apps/openmpi/bin) by every extension.
So, in above case, mpich2's mpicc don't overwrite openmpi's mpicc.
Is my idea right?
Requesting for comments.
Lastly, sorry for my non-native English.
Thanks for reading,