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Author Topic: Newbie questions: persistent settings, qemu image, permanently installe packages  (Read 5720 times)

Offline PF4TinyCore

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Hi all

Please excuse my ignorance, I am new to TinyCore.
Here is my plan: I need to use TinyCore for a network lab.
Utils like tcpdump, very very light http and ftp daemons and other small utils would be usefull for me as I am planning to
use these in GNS3 (network simulator) in order to test different scenario (load balancers for example)

Could you please either tell me how to do these or point me to the right docs:

-How do I create a qemu image of an ISO image. qemu-img is the answer but I am not sure what format I should use for the img file. (an exact command line will help)
-persistent settings: I need static TCPIP, where do I configure persistent settings
-I am using this image linux-microcore-4.0.2-clean.img  (google it, I can't post a link here) and I can not seem to be able to stop the qemu at the command promt in order to pass the kernel the boot codes. Is there any way to add some delay to the boot process or force qemu to boot slower ?


Offline gerald_clark

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Please spend some time reading the wiki.

Offline PF4TinyCore

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I am quite sure that this kind of help will promote this Linux distribution

Offline Rich

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Please post your Qemu questions in the  Tiny Core on Virtual Machines  section of the forum.
For static IP, see:  http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,13781.msg77070.html#msg77070

Offline gerald_clark

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Asking questions thoroughly covered in the wiki is a sign that you have not done the required research.
The wiki should be your first stop.
Getting snotty is also not a good way to encourage others to help you.

Offline PF4TinyCore

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Asking questions thoroughly covered in the wiki is a sign that you have not done the required research.
The wiki should be your first stop.
Getting snotty is also not a good way to encourage others to help you.

It must feel great to have a guest into your house and to show him a 300 pages book instead of a short orientation tour.
Your colleague moderator spent the same amount of time writing a reply but he was 300% more useful than you.
What he did is called efficiency and time well spent for promoting a good cause.

Asking question about what is covered in the wiki might be as well a sign that it is not covered well.
Let's me tell you something: when you present a material you have 10 minutes to capture the attention of your audience
When it is documentation the time is longer but ...if it gets to complicated or it is not clear ...your potential users will go away
However I am being more helpful with you in my reply than you were in yours ...I am going to stop here.

@Rich: thanks a lot. I will read that again after I clarify how to get the boot comand prompt in qemu. I can get that in a more recent ISO image downloaded from here but that is in VMWare
The image that I am using with GNS3 is an older qemu one. I will ask the quemu questiosn where you suggested.

« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 05:57:59 PM by PF4TinyCore »


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I feel this post might need to be moved to a different forum?

(google it, I can't post a link here)

You seem to be aware that your post may be a remaster/remix type question and yet you post this forum??

I used google and keywords "linux microcore qemu"


I have not tried this


My rant starts

Moderators may not always like me and my quirks, but most know that I am a wiki writer. And let me tell you that those people who volunteer their time......we are all volunteers here, do not need a lecture from someone on the merits of a wiki.

What you think is wise words to other posters can be read as bad mouthing to wiki authors and potential new authors .
The effect to a potential new author is to say to themselves, gosh, I don't want that kind of flak and so guess what happens, we don't get any new wiki writers.

OK some may not read your comments as being negative.

OK I am not perfect either.

But I do hope you stick around and become constructive and improve wikis, because we need people like you or grasp the need for a quick start gude wiki page or section, but I lack the skills you have.

Offline PF4TinyCore

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Thanks aus9
That link was exactly what I needed.
Too bad that I did not see that in time; It would have save your time and mine.
That is exactly what I need to do and even more.

As for your rant, nothing is 100% black or white. There is lots of gray in this world.
All you have to do is to admit it.

When I came here I was already frustrated with having to read 300 pages of a training manual that I could not understand.
It is not the first time when I see vendor training manuals wrote worse that the Admin manual posted on the vendor's site.

For having to change a couple of things in this microcore linux distribution I did not expect to have to read hundreds of pages to read.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 01:41:04 AM by PF4TinyCore »

Offline PF4TinyCore

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After some reading apparently almost all you can wish is there in terms of network utils. There is an image posted on 4shared, see the link at the bottom of that page.

Brezular, the author of that blog has even vswitch installed on a microcore image.
For those who understand networking this means a lage wide open can of worms, lots of options to test and play with

Guys @TinyCore, many thanks for creating this.
aus9, thanks again
also thanks to the guy who PMed me. I did not take the whole thing seriously.