Asking questions thoroughly covered in the wiki is a sign that you have not done the required research.
The wiki should be your first stop.
Getting snotty is also not a good way to encourage others to help you.
It must feel great to have a guest into your house and to show him a 300 pages book instead of a short orientation tour.
Your colleague moderator spent the same amount of time writing a reply but he was 300% more useful than you.
What he did is called efficiency and time well spent for promoting a good cause.
Asking question about what is covered in the wiki might be as well a sign that it is not covered well.
Let's me tell you something: when you present a material you have 10 minutes to capture the attention of your audience
When it is documentation the time is longer but ...if it gets to complicated or it is not clear ...your potential users will go away
However I am being more helpful with you in my reply than you were in yours ...I am going to stop here.
@Rich: thanks a lot. I will read that again after I clarify how to get the boot comand prompt in qemu. I can get that in a more recent ISO image downloaded from here but that is in VMWare
The image that I am using with GNS3 is an older qemu one. I will ask the quemu questiosn where you suggested.