A friend born in Cambodia who moved to Sweden at age 4 and now lives in Shanghai ("...more Porsches and Lamborginis here than any other city in the world" he says) ... and works in the financial world asked me to "...create something to get through the Great Red Firewall (INTERNET CENSORSHIP) of China."
So, knowing TOR and Tiny Core would be main components (and Pocket Rocket Linux to wrap it all together -

) it took us about 2 weeks (a full week just to get the packages to him - pretty tough - but we managed) and using TC 3x plus the Pocket Rocket Linux wrapper and TOR by the end of the 2nd week he could browse anything he wanted.
Don't be surprised if Pocket Rocket Linux aka Tiny Core (3.x) with a .y wrapper "magically appears" across China and much of Asia in the next few months...
And for those who might suggest a 4x TC is a better choice - which it may be - I have yet to get it to install and boot as easily as good old 3x ... sorta like old DOS 3.33 - to date the best product Microsoft ever released.
I will keep wrestling with 4x, but 3x, for all its "old bugs and smaller repository (perhaps)" is seems a bit more reliable and developed at this time for this particular use.