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Author Topic: Create a boot floppy for flashing your BIOS  (Read 3037 times)

Online Rich

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Create a boot floppy for flashing your BIOS
« on: August 25, 2012, 02:24:20 AM »
Somebody recently gave me a machine that was giving them trouble, so today I decided to try to make it
operational again. I determined that the the floppy and one of the CD drives were causing errors, so I
disconnected them. Booting into the BIOS setup, the IDE setup page showed that the BIOS saw the 320Gbyte
hard drive as a 128Gbyte drive, so I decided to flash the BIOS. The motherboard is an Intel D845WN, so I went
to the Intel website and found two choices. A windows based utility and a self extracting zip file, I chose the latter.
To make the disk, I downloaded the self extracting file from Intel, and FDOEM.144.gz from  FREEDOS here
http://www.fdos.org/bootdisks/  into a working directory. I Also installed  p7zip.tcz  to unpack the file from Intel.
Here are the steps for creating the floppy:
Code: [Select]
tc@box:~/intelbios$ 7z e HV86AP15BI.EXE
tc@box:~/intelbios$ gunzip FDOEM.144.gz
tc@box:~/intelbios$ mkdir floppy
tc@box:~/intelbios$ sudo busybox mount -t vfat -o loop FDOEM.144 floppy
Next I copied the files that were unpacked from  HV86AP15BI.EXE  to the  floppy  directory using  sudo , then:
Code: [Select]
tc@box:~/intelbios$ sudo umount floppy/
tc@box:~/intelbios$ dd if=FDOEM.144 of=fd0H1440
tc@box:~/intelbios$ sync
The floppy is now ready to boot.