Ok thanks that method does indeed select all items in the list, I'll use this method from now on.
ok, so that you see my point, I'd like for you to try this method, which to me seems more intuitive since we already have our hand on the mouse after selecting to run " Updates ".
With APPS open and the updates feature already showing the update results. In that window pane (listing the extension to update) click and hold a mouse button down anywhere below the update results, while still depressed move the cursor up until all the items in the list are selected. Ok my point is, why isn't the first item in the list selected, whereas all the other items are selected??
it was just an inconvenience is all, but am glad there is one method to accomplish the task without having to resort to running update twice (which I've been doing for some time now). One has to wonder how many others have been struggling with this trivial issue..
Meanwhile, what of the main item from the OP please..? The one which does not inform the operator if the updates are complete.? While you could say the last item reports OK but that is not consistent with the other selections in APPS which usually report that the task has completed.