1. gnu wget utf8 displaying in appscm popupswhen busybox wget is used for downloading
then popup log looks without any complaints
but if loaded wget.tcz & wget-locale.tcz
and lang boot code has utf8 encoding
then popup log looks unreadable

maybe need make alias to busybox wget?
2. interrupted installation in apps (tcz browser)after installation beginning
pops a window with installation log

first are displayed downloaded deps files
and then starts extensions downloading
for example applied to libreoffice.tcz
libreoffice.tcz.dep OK
xulrunner.tcz.dep OK
nss.tcz.dep OK
gst-plugins-base.tcz.dep OK
gstreamer.tcz.dep OK
libtheora.tcz.dep OK
libvorbis.tcz.dep OK
silgraphite.tcz.dep OK
dejavu-fonts-ttf.tcz.dep OK
if abort the installation process at this stage
then in tce/optional remain trash as deps files
which not determined by tcz audit tools
and should be resolved only manually
(in earlier versions was impossible
to break installation such way)
3. successful report after installation breakingboth scm and tcz browsers after installation breaking
show yellow notice about successful installation
libreoffice.tcz OK.

clamav.scm OK.

may needed to handle values returned from popups?
used version is 4.5.4