Hi hitsware
As the help screen for dd states:
Read and write N bytes at a time
So if bs=512 then dd reads 512 bytes then writes 512 bytes then reads 512 bytes writes 512 bytes ..... until done.
What it does with bs=8G, especially if you don't have that much RAM, I don't know.
When writing to a USB drive, internally, it also works in blocks. To perform a write, it first copies that block to some
internal RAM, erases that block, modifies the RAM with the new values, and finally writes the contents of the RAM
back to that block. The upshot of this is, if the USB drive uses a block size of 4K for example, and you are writing
512 bytes at a time, you MIGHT wind up writing the same block eight times. This would wear out the device faster
and have a negative impact on writing speed. I say MIGHT because if the device is smart enough, it may wait a
brief period of time before writing the data to see if any more data is coming in for that block. No, I don't know how
to determine what the natural block size of a USB drive is. I picked 1M because I read somewhere that current
devices can have block sizes of 128k or possibly 256K.