Off-Topic > SCM Extension Requests

Request Midnight Commander File Manager

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--- Quote from: SamK on July 05, 2012, 02:27:04 AM ---Unable to update mc.scm from ibiblio.  SCMApps consistently returns "Failed".  As a test, xz.scm downloads OK, so the symptoms I see appear to be related to the avialable mc.scm update.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: roberts on July 05, 2012, 03:16:59 AM ---Coreutils which I believe is now part of mc breaks Apps GUI.
Use ab or tce-load as a workaround.

The issue is fixed but waiting on ibiblio for available space to post a bug fix release.
--- End quote ---
After an upgrade to 4.5.6 and xprogs mc.scm still fails to update.

With mc.scm uninstalled "SCMApps-->Check for Updates" shows a pending update for MC.  Attemping to update via "Process Selected Items" produces a "Failed" message.

mc.scm and mc.smc.md5.txt, were then deleted from the system and downloaded again via "Download Only" i.e. not installed.  The md5 is 75f1e364da34bc157361512fe0f68986.  A check for pending updates again lists mc.scm which fails as described above.


--- Quote from: SamK on July 07, 2012, 02:30:30 AM ---A check for pending updates again lists mc.scm which fails as described above.
--- End quote ---
I was never able to download this update, however trying again a day later the update is no longer available.  Is the md5 mentioned in reply #90 the current release?

On reviewing the results to date, the report of successfully browsing archives (reply #81) is inaccurate.  They were not done in the usual minimal testing environment (reply #77), but in another TC project which loaded rox-filer.tcz.  This invalidated the archive browsing results.

Using the minimal testing environment plus perl5.tcz and rox-filer.tcz the results reported in reply #81 are obtained.

Using the minimal testing environment plus perl5.scm produces the following. 
Tested only browsing of test archives by <Enter> key.
7z, iso, rar, tar.bz2, tar.gz, tar.xz

bz2, gz, zip
No error messages are obtained.

It seems likely that one or more deps are still required in mc.scm that are provided by ROX for bz2 and gz.  Possibly something is also awry with mc/perl5 SCMs for zip.

The space issue is still ongoing.

Jason W:
I don't have issues browsing zip files, but I will look into what is up with the bz2 and gzip browsing.  The zip issue should be fine when the update is able to be fetched.

Jason W:
With bz2 files there is a very simple fix.  It needs the file command, which is inside the rox-filer.scm but it is not in path, somehow it gets used though.

I will build file inside the mc extension, and hopefully this completes the saga.  It has been educational in terms of mc and what it needs to be fully functional.


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