Off-Topic > SCM Extension Requests
Request Midnight Commander File Manager
Jason W:
perl5.scm is built and so far testing ok. Plan to upload shortly. report any bugs in a new perl5 thread.
Also, on the perl note, I have changed the shebangs of the perl scripts in mc from "/usr/local/bin/perl" to "/usr/bin/env perl" so either the tcz or scm version of perl will suffice. Testing, will upload soon.
Jason W:
Ok, perl5.scm uploaded, and mc.scm has been adjusted to use either perl5.scm or perl5.tcz as it's perl install.
Jason W:
"/usr/bin/env perl" does not work with mc, must include a hard path. So perl5.scm is chosen, with the path being /apps/bin/perl for the perl invocation.
--- Quote from: Jason W on July 04, 2012, 08:07:49 PM ---Ok, perl5.scm uploaded...
--- End quote ---
Unable to update mc.scm from ibiblio. SCMApps consistently returns "Failed". As a test, xz.scm downloads OK, so the symptoms I see appear to be related to the avialable mc.scm update.
Coreutils which I believe is now part of mc breaks Apps GUI.
Use ab or tce-load as a workaround.
The issue is fixed but waiting on ibiblio for available space to post a bug fix release.
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